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Get off your phone and QUARANTINE

So, we have a lot of time on our hands. Remember all the things you LOVE to do or NEED to do but never had the time for? Well, now you can't use time as an excuse because there is plenty of it while we are all in isolation.

I have lots of passions and hobbies that I often forget about and don't have enough time to actually do them. So, I encourage you to make the time for the things you love. Fast forward in your mind to when quarantine is finally over and ask yourself how you would have wanted to utilize your time in isolation? Would you be happy with your quarantine self if you had been wasting away precious time scrolling on tik tok? Or would you have wanted to remember this as a time for self reflection, developing a better relationship with your family, trying some new things, developing some new hobbies, and having some quality qt time with yourself!!!


Here is my list of QUARANTINE TO- DOS:

1. go on a walk


2. try an at home workout

^ Darebee has plenty of free workout plans


3. meditate ^ lulu lemon has a 20 minute and 45 minute yoga flows


4. bullet journal

^ Amandarachlee has amazing spread ideas

^ find inspiration on pinterest


5. read

^ Vaniety Fair offers a great list


6. try adult coloring books


7. journal

^ we are living in a historic moment in history.

^ Write/ record about your own part in it.


8. start a tv series

^ I recommend Tiger King


9. watch classic movies


10. bake


11. learn an instrument


12. learn a language

^ try duolingo


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